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Cleveland TN Parks and Recreation


2024 Calendar New Adventures Club updated as of February 20th, 2024


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Every Monday afternoon, 1 p.m. Cardio Drumming! Beginning November 20, at the South Cleveland Community Center, 1334 Church St, Cleveland, 423-559-3322       Details on the FaceBook page from our instructor at Cleveland Cardio Drums You can come and try it and then get your own equipment.  Free for class but there is a $3 to rent equipment. 


Every Monday night, 6 pm. Game Club at the Cowboy Church, 3040 SE Blythe Rd, Cleveland. All kinds of board and card games.


Every Tuesday and Thursday Senior Bowling, 1 pm. at Leisure Lanes $6.00+tax per person for 3 games. Repeats every Tuesday and Thursday


Every Tuesday or Thursday 3:00 pm. Afternoon Euchre Card games. Meet at the Holiday Inn off exit 25 at 110 Interstate Dr NW. Feb. 8,13,22,27 March 7, 12, 21, 26


Every Tuesday or Thursday 6:00 pm. Evening Euchre Card games. Meet at the Holiday Inn off exit 25 at 110 Interstate Dr NW. Feb 1,6,15,20,29 March 5, 14, 19, 28.


Every Wednesday, Mahjong    12pm – 3pm, Wesley Memorial, Peerless Road and Norman Chapel Road. Cleveland. Ask about class to learn


Every Friday 1:00-3:00 pm.  Chair Volleyball at the South Cleveland Community Center, 1334 Church St, Cleveland, 423-559-3322


Art and Craft Project days are both days and evenings. South Cleveland Community Center, 1334 Church St, Cleveland, 423-559-3322.   These are the third Wednesday of the month

 Feb 21 6-8pm, March 20, 10am-noon. April 17, 6-8 p.m.






Email to get on reservation lists to  [email protected] or go to above web site to register.    Register on your home computer or mobile phone.  . 


Feb 17 Sat 3 p.m. afternoon concert in Crossville, Southern Stars Brass Band tribute to America.  Leaving at 1 p.m. for meal and concert.  $55 for the day.

Feb 21, 6 p.m. Wednesday Arts and crafts at the community center. Make a door decoration for spring.

March 4, Deadline:Beehive on March 19.

March 4, Monday, 7 p.m. Concert by the Cleveland Pops. Bradley-Central High School, 1000 S Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN Free to the public. Donations requested.

March 8 Deadline for Tunnel Hill payment.

March 16, Saturday Trail Ride

March 19, 1:00 Tues matinee at the Cumberland Playhouse of  “Beehive: The 60's Musical” with lunch after. Leaving Cleveland at 11:30 am.

March 20, 10 am Wed Arts and Crafts: Art of Writing & Journaling. Exercise your Write.

March 22, Friday, Business Meeting lunch at Monterrey Restaurant, 12:30 lunch with meeting after. 3055 Keith St NW,

March 22 Deadline for April 6 Chimps.

April 6, Hot Slaw Festival, on your own.

April 6 Saturday, Chimp Project Day trip to Morganton, Georgia.  Need 20 to get this trip at reasonable price. Feed the chimpanzees

April 12, Friday, 7:30 show. Tunnel Hill Shindig at the Colonnade Theatre, Ringgold, GA this is closed. Dinner on your own prior to the show and we will all eat together as we will go to the restaurant in car pools.  You will be contacted if you are on the list! 

April 16-17.  Leaving Tuesday am and home Wednesday night.  Two full days, one night trip to Cherokee NC for Smoky Mountain Train ride from Bryson City train, overnight includes Casino and free time. The club is doing the trip with a 24 passenger bus.

April 17, 6 p.m.  Wed. Arts and Crafts

April 19 deadline for May 5 day trip

April 20, Hike to be announced.

April 27, Trail ride 1 p.m.

April 27-April 28  Sweet Tea Festival

 April 29, Monday, 7 p.m. Concert by the Cleveland Pops Bradley-Central High School, 1000 S Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN Free to the public. Donations requested.

April 30, deadline for Dial M for Murder playhouse trip on May 16

May 5, Sunday, 3 p.m. Day trip to hear Southern Brass Concert in Crossville, TN “Music of the Castles, Highlands, and Moors”, featuring music from Britain, Scotland, and Ireland. tickets now avail.

May 9 Deadline for Ocoee Riverside Farm

May 15, 10 am Wed Arts and Crafts.

May 16, 2:30 Thursday matinee at the Cumberland Playhouse of “DIAL M FOR MURDER” Leaving Cleveland at 11:30 am. Will have lunch first. details on calendar/registration page for this event.

May 18, surprise event being planned

May 21, Farm Tour at Ocoee Riverside Farm, with exotic animals, camel ride and picnic.

May 24, Deadline for day trip to Knoxville

May 27, Monday, 7 p.m. Concert by the Cleveland Pops. Outdoor performance at Pavilion and Stage at Greenway Park
FREE to the public. Donations requested.

May 30 Deadline for deposit for Johnston Woods Aug event.

More Summer fun dates (to be determined)

       Creature Features Tennessee, of Athens

       Kayak on the Tennessee River

       Kayak on the Ocoee Flat Water

       Trips to TN State Parks

June 1, Day trip to Knoxville, dinner, market and derby.

June 15, Saturday Let's Hike group hike.

June 19, Wed. 6 pm Arts & Crafts.

June 26, Deadline for playhouse show on July 13.

July 13, Saturday, 2:30 matinee at the Cumberland Playhouse of “Steel Magnolias” Leaving Cleveland at 11:30 am. To have lunch first.

July 17 10 am Arts and crafts

July 19 deadline for playhouse show on Aug 6.

July 26 Deadline for payment for Johnson Woods event in August.

August 6, Tuesday, 1:00 matinee at the Cumberland Playhouse  of “ANASTASIA” with lunch after. Leaving Cleveland at 11:30 am.

August 14 deadline for Grease at playhouse on Aug 30.

August 16-18 Johnston woods Retreat

August 30, 7:30 p.m. Friday evening show. At the Cumberland Playhouse of “Grease” Leaving Cleveland at 6:00 p.m.  No meal show only

Sept 6, deadline for "Beautiful" at playhouse on Sept 24

Sept 7 & 8 Fall Festival Sequoyah Museum.

Sept 16 Deadline for playhouse on Oct 3

Sept 24, Day trip to Cumberland playhouse to see Carol King show "Beautiful"

Oct 3, Day trip to Cumberland playhouse to see Unnecessary Farce comedy


It is your club. Applications are available for membership to the club for $24 /year pro-rated by month joining.

REMINDER: More planning and new events will be up to members so please attend the lunch on March 22 at Monterrey Restaurant at 12:30 p.m.


Members get first option for events via email.


Watch FB page and Web site is






Cleveland TN Parks and Recreation
 160 2nd St. NE
Cleveland, Tennessee 37311

Phone: 423-479-4129
Email: [email protected]

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